Tantric Candy
Book Gallery
Browse through our selection of Tasteful Tantric Erotic Stories
Short Story Collections & Value Bundles (varying in length)
Novels (> 40 000 words)
Novellas (20 000 - 40 000 words)
Novelettes (7500 - 20 000 words)
Longer Short Stories (3000 - 7500 words)
Shorter Short Stories (1500 - 3000 words)
Flash Fiction & Poetry (< 1500 words)
Click on the book cover images below to go to the individual book pages.
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Collections &
Value Bundles
Our Short Story Collections are for when you want to enjoy the company of the same characters in different situations for a longer time. Our Value Bundles bring together stories centering around a similar theme.

Our novels are intended for erotic connoisseur looking for great character development in combination with several days of intense erotic pleasure.

Novelettes combine great storytelling with multiple sexual encounters.

Longer Short Stories
Longer Short Stories build up sexual tension from the get go and usually include more than one sex scene.

Shorter Short Stories
Building up sexual tension from the get go, our shorter Short Stories are perfect for a quick turn-me-on.

Flash Fiction & Poetry
Flash Fiction is for on the go. Instant pick-me-up's when you are in the mood for a mini-break. Also includes poetry.