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Tantric Candy Heat Ratings

Our mission at Tantric Candy is to create stories that Inspire and Entertain.

Our aim is to cater Tantric Erotica for all tastes – from Sensual Tantric Soft Sex to Outrageously Extreme, Hardcore Taboo Stories. To help you find the level of sexual tension that appeals to you most, we assign different Heat Ratings to every story. Here you can read all about the amount and type of sex and sexual language you can expect.


James Doe

0 – Tantric Tools

Inspirational, spiritual, educational or transformational stories with a (sexual) tantric element or message, without the explicit aim of making the reader sexually aroused.


James Doe

1 – Juicy Sizzle

Mainstream audience curious for more. Stories with skilful build-up of sexual tension. Sensual tantric soft sex or emphasis on sexual energy exchange. Imaginative, non- (or not very) graphic language.


James Doe

2 – Spicy Bite

Mainstream audience ready to take a tantric leap. Heavier sexual tension, explicit sex with a sensual side. May contain coarse language. Usually Solo- or Couples-sex. May include the occasional Threesome.


James Doe

3 – Peppery Burn

Erotic audience. Sex and language will be hot, graphic, uninhibited and plentiful. Explicit sex where almost anything goes.


James Doe

4 – Explosive Blaze

Erotic audience. XXX stories. Usually contains graphic, unconventional sex and explicit adult language that may be considered offensive. May contain elements of violence.


James Doe

5 – Intense Melt

Erotic audience. Extreme, hard core sex. Often covers subjects that could be seen as forbidden or taboo. Likely to offend most readers. May contain graphic violence. Pushing the limits of what some deem acceptable.

© 2024 Tantric Candy, All rights reserved. Photography: Heartography, Depositphotos and Pixabay. Individuals depicted in images on this site are for illustrative purposes only.

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